Double Bubble CD Cover

For the CD Cover I had trouble figuring out a band name. It wasn’t until someone offered me some gum that I figured out what direction I wanted to go with. I decided to go with the double bubble idea because I knew that it would be a fun band and that I could have a lot of fun with the design aspect of it. When I thought about the name double bubble I decided that I wanted to have bubbles on the cover. When I started making the background I created a girly look with pink everywhere and I placed bubbles on every part to show the look of bubble gum. Then when I went to create the back of the cover I found that there was a good amount of stuff needed for the back. I came up with a bunch of random song names that had to do with bubble gum. When I created a publishing company I wanted it to be very different from the regular cover so that it would stand out and be easy for people to see. I made it yellow with the look of a sunrise so that it would look original and have some appeal.